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Week 33 progress

Dubois Sébastien

Sébastien Dubois /

1 min read

Hello there!

This week, I've changed my plans a little and wrote about protocols and HTTP. I wanted to write about EAI, Message queues, etc, but I realized that without a proper explanation about communication protocols and their importance, things might be harder to understand for newcomers.

Other than that, it has been a great week for me. We've organized our sex reveal party, so the whole world can now know that I'm going to have one more son later this year ;-)

There were only ~27 visits on the landing page this week. Still not gaining traction, but I'm not expecting any miracles. I solely focus on moving forward with the content for now.

Next week, I'll write about WebSockets, before finally getting into Enterprise Application Integration (EAI), Message Queues, and Web services.

That's it for today! Have a great week, and keep learning! :)

About Sébastien

Hello everyone! I'm Sébastien Dubois. I'm an author, founder, and CTO. I write books and articles about programming (TypeScript, Web, React, Angular, NestJS, etc), personal knowledge management, personal organization, and productivity.

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